Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Wow, the last couple of days have been crazy.

I started futzing with some multi table sngs just for the interim pre-europe to mix things up at the 27 and 60 buy in. The last three days of them, 8-14 tabling: +600, -800,+1200. Good result, INCREDIBLY swingy up to the last few games. Seriously, tournaments of any sort in volume are not for the faint of heart, but I can't say I'm not feeling good by the end.

Other than some poker I've seen a few friends around home and been moving stuff around between the upcoming trip and moving bedrooms to the end/big bedroom of our apartment. I'm finally all moved in and everything has been good, clean and set up. I'm excited to finally have a lot of room AND a single bedroom with a big bed. Things are looking good right now so hopefully no disasters pre europe (other than the passport fiasco- who knew there was a pre-expiration date for those damn things?) Thanks for reading.


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